Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Piece of my mind!

Chur I got a new script book.
Found out about this capture the flag thing. Gonna take some poor bitches out :P
Sitting here with Jordz and Ryuku talking about churches and rugby and sport nd shit.
Squeezing a massive zit on my head.
I love Lydia!
This film script and all the ideas are coming together very well =D
Gonna be pretty awesome cuzzy pretty awesome.
Fust Jarted =]
Happy birthday Antz!

Monday, April 26, 2010


I was gonna do it.
But then I saw how generic it got.
Me and the bro'z have a better idea anyway.
Haha it's funny still.

So yeah, haven't posted in like 7 months. Farrrrrrrr...
I'm at Northtec now people, Level 3 Cert. in Sport and Outdoor Rec.
Got dreams I wanna follow.
Don't do the rap bizz anymore, HOWEVER, I am still going hard on my directing/acting sorta shit.

Ummm, Looking at doing a YouTube series of 3, 5, or 7 episodes. I have a few ideas in mind for it and I am looking for local talent, either in front of the camera or behind the scenes. More details to follow, the theme is pretty out there, laugh all you like: Post-Apocalyptic Zombies.

Theres also another idea that we have but it could become semi-illegal, though I'm not sure. Gonna research that first before I jump straight to doing those sorts of things.

Music? Hell yeah! 
Shay, Ryan, and I are looking to form a jam-band.
If you're keen hit me up.
