Wednesday, December 16, 2009



Up 3?


Yo I'm just updating my site with nothing to say.
I'll make every line end in rhyme cool aye =].
Norton, now thats a name thats just gay.
I have a best friend, his name is Shay.

I'd like to introduce you to a wolfpack.
Jordan Paratene and Sherman who goes "Bleh!"
This blog is really shitty man shitty like shet.
And if you ever read this you'll probably die from death.

My step dad is dumb, his name is Wayne.
Gets on my case and becomes a bit of a pain.
Thinks he's pretty funny playing all his dumb games.
That motherfucker just drives me insane.

Well i really hate to say it, but I gotta go now.
You're all a bunch of nutsacks and your mumz are cows xD.
Go lose your mind, I don't care how.
Good-bye, sayonara, Tata for now =]