Saturday, December 18, 2010


I've come to terms with the fact that I am a difficult person to be around or get along with. And it's for that very reason that I cherish every friendship I have. Regardless of if I see you every day or once a year, you still know who you are. You are my friend no matter how much you change, no matter what paths you take, I will be here for you. This is my weakness..

People tend to take my friendship for granted. They tend to get to know how I operate and then expect the same every time. Being a friend to some people feels like I need to get experienced with marketing myself sometimes. It shouldn't be this way. I feel that a friendship with someone is not something you expect to get something out of, but more something you wish to achieve with that person. It's hard to explain but I hope that made sense.

My views on life are often very, umm, "strict", if you will. I have my own very strong sense of right and wrong, and yes, just like every other human being on this small planet we call home, I make mistakes. Big ones, small ones, down to the merest typing error. But one thing that I do believe makes me stand out from the crowd is I technically have no false bravado or false image about myself. I do not associate wealth to do with clothing, cars, jewellery etc. I tend to associate wealth with a strong sense of family, friends (not in a popularity way if you know what I mean), and happiness. I know whole heartedly that nothing can buy happiness, no matter how many excuses you make, it can only be earnt I guess.

I made a mistake. I do not wish to disclose it. But I do wish for forgiveness. I am sorry.