Saturday, May 1, 2010


Negativity. A thing we all come to clash with at some stage. Some more than others.

I really do hate negativity, especially when its from some hypocritical asshole who completely, how should i say it, shuts me down whenever I go to say something.

Now I really may sound rather obnoxious and cocky but fuck it, I have to face that people are intimidated by my intellect, intelligence, witty comebacks, accidental corrections,  and my state of mind that nobody is better than another person because we are all unique and different.

HOWEVER, some people seem to completely disregard and even mock my fucking input and try and categorize me as a fool. Blaming a whole teams loss on one man is so fucking unfair. You play AS A TEAM, you lose AS A TEAM. There's no two-ways about it.

Yes you may have listened to instructions, know the calls, know how to do your position specifically on-field, but everybody's input should be valued. If there is a simpler way of explaining stuff to other newer players then by all means that input should be held in high regard.

And I don't hate against people for no reason. Like you.