Wednesday, July 7, 2010


This is not an official post. This is just a boredom post.
New post today sometime though... Hopefully... And a new video within the coming days people.

Yo wazzup!
Yeah churr. Keen. Hard? Yeh =]
Wish I could grow a goatie =[

Oi straight up I wrote the first 2 lines to a song tonight, twas an event of such.
Ryank Karaka feat. Kassah - Magic.

Hellah jealous of the skinny peepz out there. I'm running tomorrow. Don't know where how or why but I will... At some stage.

Sick. Got another sinus infection =/ dumb!

And so I wanna get me an iPod touch this week hopefully :P HOPEFULLY. I might get a better pay now because I worked at this holiday programme. Chur ae?

Yeah anyways, I got some ideas of such to post up on here soon. But ttfn :P byeeeeee.
