Monday, September 7, 2009

FIgured it out.

Ok, so there's this girl I knew wayy back, and we still in touch and stuff... On her MSN thing she has this link to a little website sorta like this where she writes how she feels. Upon reading it today and thinking back to when I read it last (A while ago..) I notice it's pretty much the same shit.

Now this same shit is about ANOTHER guy, and from reading it I take that she has just broken up with another boyfriend.

Okay, so I don't often see her at parties but when I do she's with a guy. And this guy is another dickhead looking dude who thinks he has it all. She completely falls for these guys and then complains about how bad she feels all over this little site when she gets dumped. How it tears her apart and how no-one else who feels the same way. She's a little younger than me so abut 17, and claims to have been "in love". Thats another story entirely.

What I have found though is that these girls who live their lives entirely to document love and fall into it, never really get anywhere. It's a harsh truth. I bet she walks around all day feeling like nobody cares and trying to tell her problems to a mirror or a computer screen. I believe that if she didn't think a guy would make her happy then maybe she might actually BE HAPPY.

I know her past and she's been through alot to, and that could add to it, but I don't understand why you can't let stuff go. But if she lets go of all the guys, etc.. then maybe she might make something of herself.