Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I am absolutely horrified.

I hate stereotypes.
They make me sick to the stomach.
I was just looking up "How to be a scene kid".
That shit is FUCKED UP.
It's like converting to another religion, straight up.
It tells you what to or not to do, What to wear, Who to like, How to talk, How to type...
Yeah go ahead people, become a sheep and follow the crowd cause "Everybody's doin' it!!"
Fuck all these shoes, brands, glasses, chains, styles...
If you honestly depend on that to make you happy, that you have to dress in a grands worth of clothes, then I'd seriously assess your very own lifestyle (and self-esteem for that matter).
If you do what you think is cool, back in the day that earned respect, and you felt proud to be yourself.
NOWADAYS, everyone follows ONE PERSON.
Now if this ain't another religion itself then god help me.
I cannot believe Goths "hate conformists" when them themselves have their own rules that make you "gothic".
SO a word to the wise, if you like an item of clothing/clothing accessory then by all means, GO BUY IT.

BUT, if you're only buying it cause it's "Fresh" or "The cool kids are doin' it!"