Sunday, July 24, 2011


I feel disabled by a world that looks down upon you. It's a vicious cycle of destructive criticism. In a funny way it's also something I thrive off.
Like I gotta do shit that goes against the norm. Like I gotta defy the impossible. I've always looked toward the hard road with a defeatist attitude (e.g: tradework). But is that the hard road?

See the hard career paths in life to me are the roads I have chosen: The arts.
I have a passion for the performing arts. Acting and Music primarily, but I also have a curiosity for photography and street art.
Last year I sat and achieved a certificate in sport and recreation. I have a natural ability to pass shit, and it's a bad thing because I tend to only just scrape a pass rate. I found the course very boring, it didn't suit ME, it may suit a person who's interests align with the sport and rec. industry however. But this is my point.

As hard as it is to crack the music/acting/artistic industries, I firmly believe it is something I can achieve. I know I have a thirst for it, I can see my own eyes light up when I see opportunities in the industries. I am going to enroll on a course doing music business and management just to better my chances with the crew to make it big, and make the money at the same time.

Yeah. I dunno what else to say haha.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Balls to you.

Welcome to an average day in my new life.

Wake up at 11.
Have a shower, shave etc.
Put on some fresh threads.
Gather up all my pay-p-p-pay-p-paperz and other miscellaneous documents.
Walk/drive to the studio.
Talk to the boss for a few minutes.
Head into the booth, record a few things, other band-related/business-related stuff.

Go home/work.

Meanfun. Believe me.

Friday, December 24, 2010


That time of the year again.

Hung out with Jordy all yesterday, made a vid which will be below =]
Thats about it ae.
Have fun kidz.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I've come to terms with the fact that I am a difficult person to be around or get along with. And it's for that very reason that I cherish every friendship I have. Regardless of if I see you every day or once a year, you still know who you are. You are my friend no matter how much you change, no matter what paths you take, I will be here for you. This is my weakness..

People tend to take my friendship for granted. They tend to get to know how I operate and then expect the same every time. Being a friend to some people feels like I need to get experienced with marketing myself sometimes. It shouldn't be this way. I feel that a friendship with someone is not something you expect to get something out of, but more something you wish to achieve with that person. It's hard to explain but I hope that made sense.

My views on life are often very, umm, "strict", if you will. I have my own very strong sense of right and wrong, and yes, just like every other human being on this small planet we call home, I make mistakes. Big ones, small ones, down to the merest typing error. But one thing that I do believe makes me stand out from the crowd is I technically have no false bravado or false image about myself. I do not associate wealth to do with clothing, cars, jewellery etc. I tend to associate wealth with a strong sense of family, friends (not in a popularity way if you know what I mean), and happiness. I know whole heartedly that nothing can buy happiness, no matter how many excuses you make, it can only be earnt I guess.

I made a mistake. I do not wish to disclose it. But I do wish for forgiveness. I am sorry.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

To Be Seen, Not Heard...

So I'm pretty much fit ta go for this studio. Gonna be managing my network. WE already have 3 definites to record, and a sizeable list of others who are keen. Oh and if you're keen to record some high end demo's, give me a txt/call on 0211709165.

I think I've been working out a lil too much lately. Honest to god my arms and chest are sore as a guido with no hair gel.

Along the lines of Guido's I actually found Pauly D quite funny. Straight up. Random as hell.

That is all, Run along liuetenant.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Foward Movement Yeah!

Hey to all my bro's and Girls.
Big steps being taken towards the music and production side of my life. We went down to a new audio studio in town on Saturday and practically got offered jobs. Took my audio technician mate Steven in yesterday and he got offered the Chief Tech position. I got asked if I wanted to do the marketing and promotion side of things. MEANFUN

Will keep ya'll posted.

And no, there is no sadness in my life today =D

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Full on burger flavour.

Yeah well I ain't been here in a while. So what? Who reads this shit anyways.
I found a new love for Ukulele, it helps me think. It's sooooooo therapeudic. (If thats how you spell it)

Single now. Probably for a long time. Weird. Feels weird. Like 11 months of my life meant nothing. NO. I'm not depressed. Shit. I have a mandarin sitting on my table that I've been meaning to eat for the last two days. Also got a blue vivd which has helped me to litter my walls with interesting signatures, letters, verses, hooks, choruses, Passages, uplifiting and depressing sayings/slogans. The camera sits right where I recorded the last 5-10 vlogs that are NOT funny. The photo camera has seen alot of use however. And has saved me some valuable memories. I start to appreciate time passed when I can sit and reminisce. an empty cup which i half spilled Lemonade on the wireless with =s Luckily didn't fuck the net up. Stacks of CD's, of which most are useless or fucked. Empty bottles of beer on the floor. Heaps of empty Mountain Dew bottles too. Clean clothes (For once).

I love mixing music. The fact that I can take someone elses creation and sort of make it my own inspires me to do... STUFF! :O

Yeah well.......... Bye.