Wednesday, December 16, 2009



Up 3?


Yo I'm just updating my site with nothing to say.
I'll make every line end in rhyme cool aye =].
Norton, now thats a name thats just gay.
I have a best friend, his name is Shay.

I'd like to introduce you to a wolfpack.
Jordan Paratene and Sherman who goes "Bleh!"
This blog is really shitty man shitty like shet.
And if you ever read this you'll probably die from death.

My step dad is dumb, his name is Wayne.
Gets on my case and becomes a bit of a pain.
Thinks he's pretty funny playing all his dumb games.
That motherfucker just drives me insane.

Well i really hate to say it, but I gotta go now.
You're all a bunch of nutsacks and your mumz are cows xD.
Go lose your mind, I don't care how.
Good-bye, sayonara, Tata for now =]

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Kia Ora.

Today's been pretty dramatic. Issues with work and shit. Not much of a bright side to today EXCEPT for that I may have lined myself up a pretty sweet job =D.

Still amping about my movie, Pre-Screening is on this Friday for cast and crew.. Then I can tell you whether you want to come or not xP.

Gotta change my CV.

Gotta get my car and I hope to god my photo license shows up by Friday so I can purchase some alcoholic beverages. That would be pretty sweet people, pretty sweet.

Looking at making a new vid by the end of the week, but could just be another empty promise xD.

Chur chur.
Kassah =]

Monday, November 30, 2009


I been out and about and had no time to update this shizz!!
Naa i'm all shit! I just been hard at it cranking Pokemon Leaf Green xD
Ummm updates for all of you's:

11th of December 2009 at 33 Events Centre in Porowin Ave.
Be there, I'm in this film, making it triple times awesome. It was also filmed on a no-budget scale too and used all volunteers =]

Link for more info is here


So yeah! Thats how I've been and whats been up!!
Sweet as peepz!
Kassah =]

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Yeah so today......


Mad fun day at course today =]
Well just a great day in general really.
Saw DP for like the first time in a month, had a brief catchup.
Started drawing this cool as (well, to me xP) picture in class today, It's rather deep and meaningfull =]
Umm yeah.
Oh and got stepped out by a whole course of so-called "Crips" today for wearing a purple beanie.
Should put them in a zoo. Wouldn't class them above much more than monkeys.
I mean them, like a Gorilla can do sign language xP.

Yeah thatzit.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


These dudes didn't let one guy into their krew because "he wasn't good enough".
Funny thing is he turned out better than them xP
And THEY asked HIM to join.
And now he's the best in their krew.

Fucking irony strikes again LOL.

Two dogs.

I need you peoples opinion.

So two dogs had a massive fight, and they were really great friends.
One dog doesn't wanna know the other, and is pretty much alone.
The other makes a new friend but still tries to talk to the alone dog.

Anyone know why that is?
Haha I really mean it.

I am absolutely horrified.

I hate stereotypes.
They make me sick to the stomach.
I was just looking up "How to be a scene kid".
That shit is FUCKED UP.
It's like converting to another religion, straight up.
It tells you what to or not to do, What to wear, Who to like, How to talk, How to type...
Yeah go ahead people, become a sheep and follow the crowd cause "Everybody's doin' it!!"
Fuck all these shoes, brands, glasses, chains, styles...
If you honestly depend on that to make you happy, that you have to dress in a grands worth of clothes, then I'd seriously assess your very own lifestyle (and self-esteem for that matter).
If you do what you think is cool, back in the day that earned respect, and you felt proud to be yourself.
NOWADAYS, everyone follows ONE PERSON.
Now if this ain't another religion itself then god help me.
I cannot believe Goths "hate conformists" when them themselves have their own rules that make you "gothic".
SO a word to the wise, if you like an item of clothing/clothing accessory then by all means, GO BUY IT.

BUT, if you're only buying it cause it's "Fresh" or "The cool kids are doin' it!"


Geppi: "Shut up!!"

Me: "Nuh!"

Geppi: "Wall.." *imitates a wall dividing table*

Me: "Door" *opening 'door' in the 'wall'*

Monday, September 7, 2009

New Vlog :P

Yeah so this is how my vids are gonna go from now on :P

FIgured it out.

Ok, so there's this girl I knew wayy back, and we still in touch and stuff... On her MSN thing she has this link to a little website sorta like this where she writes how she feels. Upon reading it today and thinking back to when I read it last (A while ago..) I notice it's pretty much the same shit.

Now this same shit is about ANOTHER guy, and from reading it I take that she has just broken up with another boyfriend.

Okay, so I don't often see her at parties but when I do she's with a guy. And this guy is another dickhead looking dude who thinks he has it all. She completely falls for these guys and then complains about how bad she feels all over this little site when she gets dumped. How it tears her apart and how no-one else who feels the same way. She's a little younger than me so abut 17, and claims to have been "in love". Thats another story entirely.

What I have found though is that these girls who live their lives entirely to document love and fall into it, never really get anywhere. It's a harsh truth. I bet she walks around all day feeling like nobody cares and trying to tell her problems to a mirror or a computer screen. I believe that if she didn't think a guy would make her happy then maybe she might actually BE HAPPY.

I know her past and she's been through alot to, and that could add to it, but I don't understand why you can't let stuff go. But if she lets go of all the guys, etc.. then maybe she might make something of herself.


Sunday, September 6, 2009


A-Tak was advertising this on his page. Some trippy shit. Not for the epileptic.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Absolutely Frikin Amazing

Cigar Box Juggling

P. Arts Backward :P


This is my new YouTube account. Promise I won't put any half-arse shit on it :P My old one was gay anyway.

This is my latest video from my newtube :P

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Damm. SO annoyed right now. Mum just fully dis-owned a part of me LOL. Wanna get this shit done sooooooo badly, but I can't. Feel like I'm almost losing a friend. Hell I don't even know if anybody reads this! Hello?? Lonely person? What is your name?

Woh, I scared myself!!! =o

Friday, August 28, 2009

New video - Prototype.


Went to a readthrough/meet and greet of the Movie today.
For a first timer at script writing it's brilliant!
I reckon people will like this heaps ae.
I'll hit you up with dates of release and that when we know/when we're allowed to =]


Album cover prototype!!

Yeah, So this is the "prototype" for my album cover.
Gunna try my best to push an album through before July next year :D

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So basically...

Yeah, got a call-back today from a film I auditioned for and got told I got a part and I was like :O

So I'll have more details up soon jee's. PEEEAACCE

Monday, August 24, 2009

Link to one of my first tracks - 101 feat. Slanteyez

101 Feat. SlantEyez


Check out my amateur photography eyoh??
Keen as a bean to get it all framed and sold.
Thought it was pretty mean?