Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Team.

If you DONT want your face in this vid get in touch with me on FB..

Hey peepz! Yell at me if you don't want your face to be in this new vid I'm doing. It's a collab of all 3 years of the clips on my camera in to
one big vid. I have clips of these people: Some of the Hora boys doing a
haka, Shay Tana, Troy Megson, Jesse Anderson, Nathan Cutforth, Jason
Hendricks, Nane Maru, Monnie (You know who you are), Nathan Teichardt,
Jordan Paratene, Shaun Hansen, Rahera Ikurere, Dilan Palmer, Dylan Pou,A-Tak (Josh Burgess, Nothing bad of you), Steven Cox, Josh Caldwell (Even if you say no this ones going up HAHA), Ryan Karaka, Jordan Newton, Zane, and DJ. Yes I do have vid of all of you.. Scared?

Naah but serious if you don't wanna be in this vid then tell me haha.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dear You.

1.) I'm sick of wondering what you're doing.
This is me being honest, not having a go at you.
We don't txt like we used to.
You don't even wanna call me, or want me to call you.
Don't seem to be interested in me coming and staying.
You're making me feel like I'm missing something, or I'm just deliberately missing something subconsciously?
Or am I just being paranoid? LOL

But seriously, I don't know what the fucks up. You say nothings wrong and that it's all the same.
Maybe that's the problem, it's all the same.

2.) Missed my exam today, fucked me off realllllll bad. However, they offered me a re-sit on Friday and I took it.

3.) Got 92% on the family history assignment I had talked about here for a while.

4.) Me and Rycaneus had a mean talk with a local "gig organizer" who gave us some great advice on how to get in the real music business. It was a great insight and I think we may follow through with what he told us to do. Watch this space..

5.) Been an absolute fiend on the 2nd gen. Pokemon games of late. Like Big time. (OMG and just as I wrote Big Time the song started playing on my itunes I have playing in the background as I write this! LOL) I basically clocked the games Gold, Silver, and Crystal in one day with hyperspeed :)

6.) Off to countdown to get a drink now. Mountain Dew is on. Haven't been out all day. I get really in-secure being home alone cause my mind ticks overtime and I begin to get claustrphobic on Earth. and my worst enemy Paranoia begins to visit in a strange way.

More on that later, peace =]

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Long time no talk uh?
Yeah well.. I typed up a 3 hour assignment on my family history and I still gotta Powerpoint to do -.-
Anyways, how yous been?
I had a few ideas pop in my head over the past few weeks.

Yes they are video ideas and I know my promises are always empty but I been wanting to do this one for some time.
It's to this song by Owl City called Meteor Shower (In vid below).
I want to do a short "cinematic" (I guess) based on the feeling of being alone. It's gonna be a bit out of character for me because I don't normally do serious shit, I'm more the funny guy to everyone so yeah...

Another one is this other idea which i could most likely actually get in touch with the guy about using his song.
While Tubing dubstep the other week I found this guy from Mount Eden DnB and he made a song called Beautiful Lies. It got my mind going about making a vid too:

I kinda created my new YouTube channel as a more "serious" channel, so if it ain't good enough for my standards then I don't put it up. I have made about 3 vids in the last few mades which have only found their way into my recycle bin.

In Other News:
I been following a Graffiti Legend on Twitter for quite some time and have been reading his blog for quite some time also. It's FUCKEN AMAZING. No shit peepz. It would pretty much cater to anybody artistically as well as in general. It's full of Artworks in the street, contemporary on canvas, small video documentaries about the Graffiti and street scenes and other stuff, Revoks own political views, pictures and videos from his travels etc, links to his clothing store and other items of interest, MUCH MUCH MORE. Definitely worth a check out people, and if you don't even click this link: , then damn... You're missing out.

Latez people, I'm owtiez.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Seat no seatbelt.

Mean. Wheatpaste.

My walls are gradually getting covered in wallpaper-posters. Looking pretty mean.

The guy who replaced the seat in my car may have forgot to put the seatbelt back. in fact, yes he did forget to put the seatbelt back. Thank you M***** T**** ;).

Work can suck a dick at the mo. It's nothing personal, I just CBF working =/.

McDonalds had no eftpos all day. Soooooooooo Gaaaaaaaaaay.

Follow me ---->

MWAH! ;)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Don't drinka and fly!!

An out of it news report on our local paper today: New Zealand Wood Pigeon apparently get drunk as off guava berries and can't fly properly. 25 of these birds have been admitted to what you could call "Bird Rehab" at the local Bird Shelter and 10 so far have died. Least they died having mean fun uh?

Me, Shay and Jordy had mean fun in town on Monday haha! We practically played tag throughout the streets of the CBD. Jordy mysteriously disappeared later on so me and Shay walked home.

Been researching my family history and found out some interesting shit ae. Hate the fact I descended from England, makes me feel so generic..

Ryan's entering a competition with the Good Morning show and I hope he does well.
the dude has alot of talent and can go far so I really do hope he does.

Our game this week is against Moerewa. Name is kinda fear-filled but fuck it. We'll push them over just like we did to Southern last week. Hope me and the boys can pull off another good victory.

I'm officially addicted to Mountain Dew and I'm actually scared haha! Can't wait t see the Naruto-Pain fight when it comes out friday. My new speakers are mean too. I have a bad habit back of tying knots in my hair. Anyone who knows how to stop this contact me on my Facebook or Twitter cause I'm starting to get bald patches XD.

Love you Liddy! XoX =]