Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dear You.

1.) I'm sick of wondering what you're doing.
This is me being honest, not having a go at you.
We don't txt like we used to.
You don't even wanna call me, or want me to call you.
Don't seem to be interested in me coming and staying.
You're making me feel like I'm missing something, or I'm just deliberately missing something subconsciously?
Or am I just being paranoid? LOL

But seriously, I don't know what the fucks up. You say nothings wrong and that it's all the same.
Maybe that's the problem, it's all the same.

2.) Missed my exam today, fucked me off realllllll bad. However, they offered me a re-sit on Friday and I took it.

3.) Got 92% on the family history assignment I had talked about here for a while.

4.) Me and Rycaneus had a mean talk with a local "gig organizer" who gave us some great advice on how to get in the real music business. It was a great insight and I think we may follow through with what he told us to do. Watch this space..

5.) Been an absolute fiend on the 2nd gen. Pokemon games of late. Like Big time. (OMG and just as I wrote Big Time the song started playing on my itunes I have playing in the background as I write this! LOL) I basically clocked the games Gold, Silver, and Crystal in one day with hyperspeed :)

6.) Off to countdown to get a drink now. Mountain Dew is on. Haven't been out all day. I get really in-secure being home alone cause my mind ticks overtime and I begin to get claustrphobic on Earth. and my worst enemy Paranoia begins to visit in a strange way.

More on that later, peace =]