Sunday, May 30, 2010

My life memories..

Well my life began in Auckland at 7:36 AM in the morning on the 25th of October 1991.
Nothing significant happened in the first years of my life. My family moved to a little town called Kaiwaka when I was around 6 months old. My mother was 18 when she had me.

I began my schooling at Kaiwaka Primary School in 1996. When I entered the school as a 5 year old I was told I was reading and comprehending as well as a 12 year old could. I put this down to learning to read at around four and my great interest in animals and stuff, reading articles about wolves, foxes, eagles, whales etc. My weak point was my mathematical skills.
From Kaiwaka I then moved to Wellsford Primary in either late '97 or early '98. I know that my Aunt Janine was working at that school at the time. I never really made any friends at these schools apart from the ones I met before school. I vaguely remember playing touch/ripper rugby at Kaiwaka domain on Saturdays and stuff. My mother had been dating my now step-father Wayne and they eventually decided to marry, which they did.

In 1999 my mother and step-father decided they would move to Whangarei due to a lack of work for Wayne in the district. We quickly settled in to the house which we are still in today on Fairburn street in Raumanga. I began school again at Morningside Primary. I also began playing for a soccer-team which Wayne began to coach at FC Whangarei. We were 8th Grade Red and the other team was 8th Grade Blue. They were a bunch of cheating bastards, and one of our games went something like 12 minutes overtime so they could beat us. I never really made many friends at Morningside either. I tagged along with a group but never really was acknowledged. I had one good mate though, Cody, though he moved to Oakleigh and started attending Tauraroa Area School in 2001 I think. I left Morningside Primary in 2002.

At the end of the year 2002 I fell out of a tree and broke both my arms (lol). Which menat I had to begin schooling about 2 months into term time in 2003. I began schooling at Tauraroa Area School and loved it at first. After a while though I began to become a target of bullying. In 2004 I was eventually "forced" to leave that school in a way. I then went to Auckland and stayed with my Aunt and Uncle and my cousins for a good month I believe. I returned home in November or December that year.

In 2005 I began Schooling at Whangarei Boys' High School. I met up with a guy I knew from my Morningside days and we became friends. Anthony Raimona was his name. Through him I met Nathan Cutforth, and Dylan Pou who I already knew from Morningside as well. I then tried my hand at rugby and found I had a passion for it.
I still play there to this day. I met a guy who I knew also from Morningside called Alex Gilbert. He was into music production at the time and was making hip-hop tracks which I was interested in trying out. We met a couple of guys who called themselves VanDam and Young Slanteyez who were amateur music producers out near Parua Bay. I then formed a crew called the Outbreak Empire which originally consisted of Me (Kassah), Anthony (SRX), Alex Gilbert, And Slanteyez. We made a few tracks and chopped and changed MC's but we were never really successful. But once again I came to be a target of bullying, mainly exclusion, and left the school in 2007. The bullying had taken its toll on me and I believe it changed me in a way.

In 2007 I began to chase my other passion for acting. I started at People Potential on their Introduction To Performing Arts course. I knew a guy called Stefan who I used to live next-door to. The Course was tutored by a knowledgeable man named William Davis who had extensive experience in the performing arts industry. I learnt alot about myself during this time. I also began to break the cycle of "paranoia" I guess you could call it, as a sort of pro-longed side effect of my years of bullying during school. One day a guy named Te Ao joined my course and I recognized him from hanging with one of my "enemies" at the time, a guy named Jason whos now a good mate of mine. So I told Jase that he was on course and we became good mates. I met some awesome people on the course and sort of found myself almost drifting away from my old friends. Through Jase I met Shay, his nephew, who I now consider as my best mate.

In 2009 I felt I had done all I could do at PP. I left to go onto Foundation Studies at Northtec. On the foundation studies course was a girl called Kelsie who goes out with Stefan. We became mates and had a few piss-ups and stuff with the likes of Jason and a few other people who were on PP etc. During this time we formed another crew and dropped OutBreak Empire and became Darkstylez Productions. Headed by a rapper called A-Tak. I finished the course and went back to PP for the last 6 months of 2009.

In mid 2009 I auditioned for a local feature film called "Still Small Voice". I got a part as a character called "Will" and met heaps of people. Clayton Petera became a good friend of mine and he is a very talented singer who could go far, and I hope he does. In late 2009 I became interested in the Northtec course for Sport and Outdoor Recreation. And 2009 finished as a really good year, probably my best ever.

In 2010 I had a falling out with A-Tak and dropped the rap career all together.
I began my sport and rec. course at Northtec in February and my main focuses in life are my Course, y beautiful girl Liddy, film making, and Rugby. I joined up with an old mate Ryan on the course and we are looking at putting a band together. I believe that all my past experiences have changed me for the better and made me a better person.


Thursday, May 13, 2010


Now I've named this blog 'Inspiration' for many reasons.

One is that upon seeing my family history today I feel I have a need to break out of the "bad" teen-age cycle almost completely.
What I mean by this is I really want to stay away from partying, stay away from clubbing, stop procrastinating, stop the worrying about what other people are doing and focus on myself, my true friends, and my family.

My family tree is amazing, probably not to you but I never knew exactly where I came from, what my ancestors did, where my place is, and I realized how completely different my life is to what they struggled through in their day.

I traced it back to 1870, because thats as far as my Great-Uncle has accomplished so far.
I found that my family was very religious, mainly Catholic, Methodist, and Anglican.
That a few of my family were gifted musicians in some cases.
I never actually knew that someone had served in a war, but soon found that one of my Great-Great-Uncles had served in Gallipoli and prats of France during the first world war, and another man married into our family had served in parts of North Italy during the second world war.

Yeah, theres heaps more but I'm amping to learn it.

Second, was browsing YouTube.
Found a video on Will Smith.
This was like "wow" haha.

so here it is:

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I like this soo much.

Well, let's see.. What's news?

RUGBY - Mean games in the Super 14 this week.
Hurricanes are back in contention after smoking the Reds in a come from behind victory. Our two best hopes are the Crusaders and Hurricanes for semi-finalists, both looking pretty strong. Crusaders only just lost to the Bulls, who I'd say aren't as strong as last season. If the Stormers and Bulls lose this week, then the Hurricanes secure a home semi! It's rather amazing to watch how much can change in like 2-3 rounds.

 Yeah about that haha... I really haven't had time this year to make as many videos, I'm kinda snowed under with course stuff, not only that but my new computer doesn't work properly yet, hence no iMovie (budget I know).

MUSIC - Update.
Our group is slowly coming together. I'm lead singing -.- BUT Ryan "The Manz Singer" Karaka is backing me so hopefully it helps haha. We're kinda gonna start of with mainly punk, rock, and dub, mainly covers, BUT we should find our own vibe and start our own originals pretty quick.

Yeah, I've pretty much fallen off the rap game but I do hope that we can kinda integrate it into our music somehow =]

 Well, I'm really gonna try and launch this page now:

• I'm gonna get my own domain to drop the blogspot host.
I'm adding in some new columns next Sunday (16/5)
•Will be uploading pics, vidz and loads more.
•May add another person to my blogging to "varietize" my posts.

Yeah well thats pretty much it from me for now so Ciao!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My thoughts today:

I wish I was a gifted artist, someone like REVOK or SMASH.
They inspire me to break the mould instead of slipping into a category. It feels like everyday where I sit and don't accomplish anything, I've wasted another day in this short lifetime we have. Such a shame. I don't think it has anything to do with motivation, it's more the idea of creating ideas to inspire other people and figuring out how to do that sorta shit. I really do think I should start writing rhymes and drawing when I have free time instead of directing my attention and focus towards the likes of FaceBook or YouTube. If I had a good editing program for video's I would start making some more films, but I can't. Cause my computer ain't compatible with iLife 08 =/. Awwww well. I really wanna start doing photography and all that sorta jazz as well. And now reading this to myself I'm thinking: "why the fuck am I doing sport and rec. for?". LOL. Well it's a good course and it's enjoyable.

It's funny, people automatically expect me to be able to make their day by saying something rand. I hate the fact that my videos make me who I am in a way. I'm more than just a person in the Tube, like... Ugh.. I dunno, I mean like I can be serious as well, it's kinda like a "the boy who cried wolf" sitch. You know, I'm the jokester, never taken seriously, always considered to be back-chatting and shit. There's more to me than that, and I really do want people to see that. I think thats why by studying and stuff I can prove myself to be a bit more mature. I'm a Scorpio so I'm kind-of allowed to be paranoid about this sorta stuff haha.

Sometimes I just drive. I'm one of these people who always takes the long way home. It costs heaps now days though, but I still think its worth it. I wonder who reads this, you know, who can understand my thoughts. sometimes even I don't understand what I'm doing. I need to find a person who understands me, maybe they can help me find out who I am. I'm still confused about who I am. but then again, who truly finds out who they really are?


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Here's something.

Stuff you.
Dearest person:

It's so amazing, I never thought I knew a social climber till I met you.
It amazes me how much people can change.

Dude wouldn't even do drugs.
Hardly drank.
Proud to be whoever they were.
Stuck loyal to the bro's.
Backed us up to the fullest.
Hated smokers.
Hated the rotten corporations and generic fagz that represented them.
Had a sick flow in his music, very hateful, but rather right, and didn't care/wouldn't change for people who didn't count.
Despised haters.

Does all kinds of drugs.
Drinks till he chucks, even when sick.
Dresses to please, disrespects "lesser" people, tries any chick.
Stole from the bro's, didn't pay back money, invites themselves over, turns up wasted and drunk.
Lost the loyalty he had to our crew, started taking ownership and became a powertripper.
Wears all the corporated clothes he can get his hands on, focuses on hair to impress.
Hangs off the nuts of his haters, trying to climb even higher into the social world.

So what can I say?
Damn bro, damn... I hate to see the brothers get lost on the path of life. Honestly, I cling on to them but eventually, I find I'm clutching at straw. I used to hold on, but now I know no-one can change anyone else unless the person wants to change themselves.


Saturday, May 1, 2010


Negativity. A thing we all come to clash with at some stage. Some more than others.

I really do hate negativity, especially when its from some hypocritical asshole who completely, how should i say it, shuts me down whenever I go to say something.

Now I really may sound rather obnoxious and cocky but fuck it, I have to face that people are intimidated by my intellect, intelligence, witty comebacks, accidental corrections,  and my state of mind that nobody is better than another person because we are all unique and different.

HOWEVER, some people seem to completely disregard and even mock my fucking input and try and categorize me as a fool. Blaming a whole teams loss on one man is so fucking unfair. You play AS A TEAM, you lose AS A TEAM. There's no two-ways about it.

Yes you may have listened to instructions, know the calls, know how to do your position specifically on-field, but everybody's input should be valued. If there is a simpler way of explaining stuff to other newer players then by all means that input should be held in high regard.

And I don't hate against people for no reason. Like you.