Thursday, May 6, 2010

My thoughts today:

I wish I was a gifted artist, someone like REVOK or SMASH.
They inspire me to break the mould instead of slipping into a category. It feels like everyday where I sit and don't accomplish anything, I've wasted another day in this short lifetime we have. Such a shame. I don't think it has anything to do with motivation, it's more the idea of creating ideas to inspire other people and figuring out how to do that sorta shit. I really do think I should start writing rhymes and drawing when I have free time instead of directing my attention and focus towards the likes of FaceBook or YouTube. If I had a good editing program for video's I would start making some more films, but I can't. Cause my computer ain't compatible with iLife 08 =/. Awwww well. I really wanna start doing photography and all that sorta jazz as well. And now reading this to myself I'm thinking: "why the fuck am I doing sport and rec. for?". LOL. Well it's a good course and it's enjoyable.

It's funny, people automatically expect me to be able to make their day by saying something rand. I hate the fact that my videos make me who I am in a way. I'm more than just a person in the Tube, like... Ugh.. I dunno, I mean like I can be serious as well, it's kinda like a "the boy who cried wolf" sitch. You know, I'm the jokester, never taken seriously, always considered to be back-chatting and shit. There's more to me than that, and I really do want people to see that. I think thats why by studying and stuff I can prove myself to be a bit more mature. I'm a Scorpio so I'm kind-of allowed to be paranoid about this sorta stuff haha.

Sometimes I just drive. I'm one of these people who always takes the long way home. It costs heaps now days though, but I still think its worth it. I wonder who reads this, you know, who can understand my thoughts. sometimes even I don't understand what I'm doing. I need to find a person who understands me, maybe they can help me find out who I am. I'm still confused about who I am. but then again, who truly finds out who they really are?
