Sunday, May 30, 2010

My life memories..

Well my life began in Auckland at 7:36 AM in the morning on the 25th of October 1991.
Nothing significant happened in the first years of my life. My family moved to a little town called Kaiwaka when I was around 6 months old. My mother was 18 when she had me.

I began my schooling at Kaiwaka Primary School in 1996. When I entered the school as a 5 year old I was told I was reading and comprehending as well as a 12 year old could. I put this down to learning to read at around four and my great interest in animals and stuff, reading articles about wolves, foxes, eagles, whales etc. My weak point was my mathematical skills.
From Kaiwaka I then moved to Wellsford Primary in either late '97 or early '98. I know that my Aunt Janine was working at that school at the time. I never really made any friends at these schools apart from the ones I met before school. I vaguely remember playing touch/ripper rugby at Kaiwaka domain on Saturdays and stuff. My mother had been dating my now step-father Wayne and they eventually decided to marry, which they did.

In 1999 my mother and step-father decided they would move to Whangarei due to a lack of work for Wayne in the district. We quickly settled in to the house which we are still in today on Fairburn street in Raumanga. I began school again at Morningside Primary. I also began playing for a soccer-team which Wayne began to coach at FC Whangarei. We were 8th Grade Red and the other team was 8th Grade Blue. They were a bunch of cheating bastards, and one of our games went something like 12 minutes overtime so they could beat us. I never really made many friends at Morningside either. I tagged along with a group but never really was acknowledged. I had one good mate though, Cody, though he moved to Oakleigh and started attending Tauraroa Area School in 2001 I think. I left Morningside Primary in 2002.

At the end of the year 2002 I fell out of a tree and broke both my arms (lol). Which menat I had to begin schooling about 2 months into term time in 2003. I began schooling at Tauraroa Area School and loved it at first. After a while though I began to become a target of bullying. In 2004 I was eventually "forced" to leave that school in a way. I then went to Auckland and stayed with my Aunt and Uncle and my cousins for a good month I believe. I returned home in November or December that year.

In 2005 I began Schooling at Whangarei Boys' High School. I met up with a guy I knew from my Morningside days and we became friends. Anthony Raimona was his name. Through him I met Nathan Cutforth, and Dylan Pou who I already knew from Morningside as well. I then tried my hand at rugby and found I had a passion for it.
I still play there to this day. I met a guy who I knew also from Morningside called Alex Gilbert. He was into music production at the time and was making hip-hop tracks which I was interested in trying out. We met a couple of guys who called themselves VanDam and Young Slanteyez who were amateur music producers out near Parua Bay. I then formed a crew called the Outbreak Empire which originally consisted of Me (Kassah), Anthony (SRX), Alex Gilbert, And Slanteyez. We made a few tracks and chopped and changed MC's but we were never really successful. But once again I came to be a target of bullying, mainly exclusion, and left the school in 2007. The bullying had taken its toll on me and I believe it changed me in a way.

In 2007 I began to chase my other passion for acting. I started at People Potential on their Introduction To Performing Arts course. I knew a guy called Stefan who I used to live next-door to. The Course was tutored by a knowledgeable man named William Davis who had extensive experience in the performing arts industry. I learnt alot about myself during this time. I also began to break the cycle of "paranoia" I guess you could call it, as a sort of pro-longed side effect of my years of bullying during school. One day a guy named Te Ao joined my course and I recognized him from hanging with one of my "enemies" at the time, a guy named Jason whos now a good mate of mine. So I told Jase that he was on course and we became good mates. I met some awesome people on the course and sort of found myself almost drifting away from my old friends. Through Jase I met Shay, his nephew, who I now consider as my best mate.

In 2009 I felt I had done all I could do at PP. I left to go onto Foundation Studies at Northtec. On the foundation studies course was a girl called Kelsie who goes out with Stefan. We became mates and had a few piss-ups and stuff with the likes of Jason and a few other people who were on PP etc. During this time we formed another crew and dropped OutBreak Empire and became Darkstylez Productions. Headed by a rapper called A-Tak. I finished the course and went back to PP for the last 6 months of 2009.

In mid 2009 I auditioned for a local feature film called "Still Small Voice". I got a part as a character called "Will" and met heaps of people. Clayton Petera became a good friend of mine and he is a very talented singer who could go far, and I hope he does. In late 2009 I became interested in the Northtec course for Sport and Outdoor Recreation. And 2009 finished as a really good year, probably my best ever.

In 2010 I had a falling out with A-Tak and dropped the rap career all together.
I began my sport and rec. course at Northtec in February and my main focuses in life are my Course, y beautiful girl Liddy, film making, and Rugby. I joined up with an old mate Ryan on the course and we are looking at putting a band together. I believe that all my past experiences have changed me for the better and made me a better person.
