Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Here's something.

Stuff you.
Dearest person:

It's so amazing, I never thought I knew a social climber till I met you.
It amazes me how much people can change.

Dude wouldn't even do drugs.
Hardly drank.
Proud to be whoever they were.
Stuck loyal to the bro's.
Backed us up to the fullest.
Hated smokers.
Hated the rotten corporations and generic fagz that represented them.
Had a sick flow in his music, very hateful, but rather right, and didn't care/wouldn't change for people who didn't count.
Despised haters.

Does all kinds of drugs.
Drinks till he chucks, even when sick.
Dresses to please, disrespects "lesser" people, tries any chick.
Stole from the bro's, didn't pay back money, invites themselves over, turns up wasted and drunk.
Lost the loyalty he had to our crew, started taking ownership and became a powertripper.
Wears all the corporated clothes he can get his hands on, focuses on hair to impress.
Hangs off the nuts of his haters, trying to climb even higher into the social world.

So what can I say?
Damn bro, damn... I hate to see the brothers get lost on the path of life. Honestly, I cling on to them but eventually, I find I'm clutching at straw. I used to hold on, but now I know no-one can change anyone else unless the person wants to change themselves.
